Announcing a GODDESSES Coloring Book!

I am so pleased to announce that I’ve partnered with the talented illustrator Nekane Petrissans to produce a coloring book to accompany Goddesses I Have Known. Designed for both children and adults who love to color, the 8.5 x 11 book has 22 illustrations drawn from my poetry and will cost $6.00*. It will be printed on good stock, hand-assembled, and only available at book fairs where I am an exhibitor, or by contacting me. As with the original book of poetry, proceeds from the sale of the coloring book will benefit Clarion SAFE, a domestic violence shelter.

Nena did a beautiful job conceiving and executing these illustrations. She did thorough research on each of the Goddesses, and our discussions about them were illuminating.

I don’t have copies in hand yet, but expect a supply soon. I have book fairs coming up this summer, and will be sure to share those locations with you. Otherwise, email me at if you’d like to reserve a copy now and I’ll ship one out to you when I get them!

*I’ll have to add $2.50 for shipping on any books I send in the mail.